Creating a business card site
A small presentation of the enterprise, a story about its activities, services, products. The resource is small, formed from 3-7 simple web pages. Development of a business card site is a simple design and a clear structure, where it is easy to change and add content yourself. Potential customers and consumers quickly receive information about the company and its activities, main types of goods, as well as contact information for communication with managers. All this allows you to attract visitors, and, ultimately, expand sales.
The cost of a business card depending on the complexity of the design and the number of layout screens:
Business card website
Individual development with a unique design of the main page within 3 screens without developing the design of internal pages.
🕛2-3 weeks
from 550€
The cost of each project includes:
Design by template
The work on the graphic part comes down to:
  • ✔️ You can choose any color scheme that matches your corporate style!
    ✔️ two types of menus with the ability to create the items you need;
    ✔️ search, selection and customization of thematic banners and background images according to the theme of your future website;
    ✔️ modern parallax background effects, animated elements of site navigation, sliders and galleries leave a pleasant impression on visitors;
    ✔️ Place the company logo.
Preparing for SEO promotion:
Availability of all mechanisms for search engine promotion on the network on the website.
At the customer's request
✔️ a feedback form that allows you to receive an order, message (question, review, etc.) by email;
✔️ online consultant;
✔️ search by articles of the business card site;
✔️ links to the customer's social networks, share link module, group widgets;
✔️ ftp access to the site's image folder to simplify administration.
A business card site in 42BITSA is a popular resource for organizations and companies. The main task of a business card site is to provide key information about a company or enterprise. A business card on the Internet can be of different sizes, but most often it does not exceed ten pages. This is usually enough to give a detailed idea of ​​the direction of work, present a list of services provided and goods offered, a price list, photographs, contact information, a map and other necessary information.
Creation of a website for an organization or individual
A business card site is also suitable for companies or individuals who are at the beginning of their business journey. Their goal is to make themselves known, gradually expanding their partner and client base. This is a primary set of useful information that allows you to filter out random people.
Creating a business card is an opportunity to interest a potential client. In terms of information content, a business card is inferior to a full-fledged website, but its price is an order of magnitude lower, which makes it possible not to spend too much money at the first stage of promotion, when you can do without it.

You can order a business card site from 42BITSA quite quickly. You can count on an exclusive design, placement of text and graphic information, a news block, placement on hosting, technical support.